The Singapore Institute of Materials Management (SIMM) was incorporated in 1980 as a non-profit and self-supporting independent educational institution, with quality as its corporate emphasis. SIMM has since grown to be a premier institution offering Logistics, Supply chain Management and E-commerce education for the industry training professionals and assisting also in the conversion of manpower for personnel not in the Logistics and Procurement field or industry.
The primary objective of the Institute is to establish and to maintain a high standard of knowledge and excellence in the field of Logistics and Procurement. The secondary objective is to promote and foster the study, research and development on Logistics and Materials Management on all aspects from Purchasing and Supply Chain Management to applying latest E-commerce technology and practices to the field of Logistics and Purchasing.
SIMM organises regional Conference such as the Asia Pacific Logistics Conference (APLF) and is also a representative lead organiser for the Procurement Event for the bi-annual Globaltronics International Electronics gathering.
SIMM is a member of the International Federation of Purchasing and Materials Management (IFPMM), Institute of Supply Management (ISM) and American Production and Inventory Management Society (APICS). The Institute is the authorised regional testing centre for the international recognised CPIM and CPM professional certifications. SIMM also works with the authorities and various government bodies such as IE Singapore (International Enterprise) and Economic Development Board (EDB) Singapore in various projects in the areas of Logistics and Procurement to further advance the interests of the industry and country development.
Philosophy “The Task Ahead is never as The Power behind Us”
The Institute believes in a strong culture for its member body and in a set of shared beliefs and is committed to its operational philosophy that promote the practice of Logistics and Procurement to its rightful position of recognition and appreciation. The Institute is also committed to identifying and developing progressive schemes of an educational nature consistent with the objectives of the Institute towards its promotion into an international centre of learning in the discipline of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Educational qualifications awarded to SIMM members include MBus, MBA, BCom and Grad Dip. (LM) and Dip. (MM/DSCM)
SIMM 即新加坡物流管理学院,是在1980年由新加坡工商、教育及物流管理领域专家组建,经新加坡政府批准注册成立的独立非盈利性专业教育学院。其宗旨在于培养、培训社会各界对采购、供应链、运输、物流、生产与库存管理等有兴趣的人士,并与其分享最新的管理理论及实际商务经验。新加坡物流管理学院目前拥有60多位素质良好、经验丰富的讲师,同时在英语、物流、供应链、生产和电脑商业等基础及技能课程方面亦独具特色。目前该学院与多所海外著名大学如澳洲柯廷大学,阳光海岸大学,澳洲首都大学等合作,分别在新加坡开办学士BLM/BBA,硕士MBA/MBL及DBA/PhD课程。
第一:广阔就业前景的。整合后的大物流管理对入世后的中国尚属全新行业,据有关资料显示,中国各地政府、企业都在积极投入建设各种规模的物流园及相关的硬件 设施,但由于大物流管理在当今中国是全新的概念,国内各大专院校没有相应的课程及文凭,社会所急需的物流管理人才青黄不接,供不应求。因此毕业于物流管理 专业的学生将有很好的就业前景。