[lang_en]CERTIFIED ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN (CAT)[/lang_en][lang_zh][/lang_zh]




University ACCA UK
Course Objectives CAT qualification is a highly regarded accounting technician qualification designed for people who are looking to start a career in finance, achieve recognition for the skills and experience already gained in employment or gain accelerated progression to the ACCA Qualification.
Course Content Introductory

Paper 1 Recording Financial Transactions

Paper 2 Information for Management Control


Paper 3 Maintaining Financial Records

Paper 4 Accounting for Costs


Paper 5 Managing People and Systems

Paper 6 Drafting Financial Statements

Paper 7 Planning, Control & Performance Management

Option Papers(Choose 2 from 3)

Paper 8 Implementing Audit Procedures

Paper 9 Preparing Taxation Computations

Paper 10 Managing Finances
Duration 1 year
Course Fee Introductory: $325 + $325

Intermediate: $400+ $400

Advanced (Core Papers): $430 + $430 + $430

Advanced (Option Papers – Choose 2 from 3): $430 + $430 + $430
Admission Criteria a) Candidates should preferably have GCE ‘O’ Level passes with credits in English and Mathematics.

b) At least 16 years of age.
Intakes ACCA will take about six weeks to process your registration form. The closing dates for
submitting your ACCA registration are:-

For June exams – 15 December of the previous year

For December exams – 31 July of the same year
