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The Tourism Management Institute of Singapore (TMIS) was officially launched on 16 November 2000. It was previously the Centre for Tourism-Related Studies (CTRS) established in 1987. TMIS is a 100% owned subsidiary of the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS). The corporate mission of TMIS is to upgrade the professionalism, service and productivity of the travel and tourism industry. In addition to providing training for our industry members, TMIS is also now actively providing tourism courses and training to the public in Singapore. Since its inception, we have trained more than 35,000 students for the tour and travel industry. We offer a wide spectrum of Tourism courses, from certificate, diplomas to degree, all of which are fully accredited internationally by established institutions from around the world.

TMIS was awarded the Casetrust for Education accreditation in May 2005. This status will further enhance the confidence of international students and their parents in the quality of education in TMIS.
TMIS was also awarded the SQC-PEO accreditation in November 2005,
a recognition of business excellence.

TMIS is proud to be one of Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) Quality Provider to provide reality education for the Tour and Travel Services and Attractions sector, under the Tourism Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) framework. TMIS is the first national continuing education and training institute for the Tour & Travel Services as well as Attractions Sectors in Singapore. We are also Singapore Tourism Board (STB) approved training centre for Tourist Guide Course.

TMIS Expanding Regionally, Envisioning The Future

TMIS was awarded the Casetrust for Education accreditation in May 2005. This status will further enhance the confidence of our international students and their parents in the quality
of education provided by us.

In 2002, TMIS started receiving international students from Asia-Pacific. This is in line with our corporate mission to provide tourism education and training to students from other countries. Our increasing affluence has bolstered traveling, and tourism is one lucrative industry which many countries are competing to develop. This has opened up and will continue to breed more career opportunities in the industry in Singapore and around the world.

With 18 years of experience in the travel and tourism industry, TMIS is more than equipped to provide training for these international students and staff of the travel industry. With our students coming from Malaysia, Indonesia , Myanmar , Cambodia , Vietnam , Korea and China , we have been called a ‘Mini-United Nations’. To ensure our continuing value and relevance, TMIS will adopt a more regional perspective in our strategic goals and establish ourselves as the leading tourism training institute in the region.



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新加坡旅游管理学院成立于1987年, 目前是新加坡国内唯一的隶属于新加坡全国旅行社协会(National Association of Travel Agents Singapore)独资拥有的附属机构。新加坡旅游管理学院的组织宗旨是提升专业水准,服务以及旅游业的效率。除了提供培训于旅游业者,新加坡旅游管理 学院也活跃于提供旅游课程以及培训于新加坡民众。本学院拥有超过60位全职与兼职培训导师。这批培训导师在旅游界都拥有非常丰富的从业经验,在教导与经验传授方面扮演了举足轻重的角色。从成立至今,新加 坡旅游管理学院共培训了超过30,000名学员。本学院也为旅行社,旅游胜地,酒店,旅馆,航空公司,政府部门等提供特别设计课程,以满足不同领域与公司 的个别需求。

十八年的优良教育经验,新加坡旅游管理学院的范围已经扩张到国际市场。比如提供培训于来自如印尼, 柬埔寨, 越南以及菲律宾等国家的学生。新加坡旅游管理学院已经发展成为区域旅游教育培训中心的佼佼者。

新加坡旅游管理学院已在2005年5月荣幸获颁CaseTrust for Education。在同年11月也获颁SQC-PEO(Singapore Quality Class for Private Education Organisations)。


