Kaplan Financial is a leading provider of professional qualifications and business training in the UK and Asia. Founded in 1958, FTC is one of the UK’s longest established financial training companies. In February 2003, FTC became part of the Kaplan group of companies. Kaplan Inc is the world’s largest training company and is itself a subsidiary of The Washington Post Group.
Kaplan Financial prepares over 30,000 students a year for professional accountancy exams. At Kaplan, we believe the quality of your learning depends upon the quality of our lecturers. Kaplan is committed to deliver a better team of lecturers – specialists in their subjects who have the knowledge and experience to get you passed. Our exceptional pass rates in the professional examinations are a matter of record. Kaplan produces exam focused study materials which are being used widely in other training institutions in both the private and public sectors.
Kaplan Financial has a total of 28 training centres around the UK and in Asia and all centres have been awarded gold and platinum accreditation under the Approved Learning Partner – Student Tuition in recognition of the quality of tuition provision for ACCA students.
Kaplan Financial Education Centre founded in 1997, is an approved and registered training centre with the Ministry of Education and was also awarded Platinum status by ACCA. In June 2003, we were proud to be a recipient of the Singapore Quality Class (SQC) for Private Education Organisations.
Kaplan Financial dominates the Singapore market for the provision of professional accountancy training with more than 5,000 students every year including several thousand overseas students mainly from China, Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Kaplan Financial is widely recognised as providing better courses based on the full understanding of students needs. Our dedicated and highly skilled lecturers have a track record of ensuring outstanding pass rates. Our constantly updated course materials reflect the latest changes in the syllabus, legislation and other professional announcements. Students come to Kaplan because they know they will get the highest level of commitment and personalised service both in and out of the classrooms.
Choose Kaplan for your learning and maximise your chances of success!
金融培训公司FTC是拥有在英国和亚洲金融培训市场居主导地位,成立于1958年。2003年初,FTC正式加入全球最大的培训公司之一的KAPLAN公司,成为美国上市公司”华盛顿邮报集团”全资子公司。目前FTC在英国和亚洲拥有28家培训中心,所有ACCA培训中心以优异的通过率,连续20年被 ACCA 协会授予”优秀培训机构”称号。新加坡的培训中心是被授予最高等级的“优先推荐学院”称号之一的学校。
FTC新加坡教育部批准成立于1997年,是亚洲最大的ACCA/CAT专业培训机构,每年有来自亚洲各地的5000多名学员在读。2003年6月,FTC获得新加坡高素质级学校SQC的殊荣。2004年,FTC又获得新加坡人力资源部许可,其海外学生因此而获得学习过程中带薪实习的工作机会,借此获取海外工作的实践经验。 成为新加坡第一个、也是唯一 一个为学生与雇主建立互动平台的ACCA学校!
FTC 新加坡培训机构向广大学员承诺”不通过,免费重读”。学员将免费获得 FTC 出版的 ACCA 教材和考试复习资料,及时更新的培训课程教材,课程大纲和习题中反映了最新的课程考试内容和实际操作变化。 FTC 强有力的课程管理和设置,有效保证了每位学员的学习进程。学员在新加坡就读同时注册新加坡国家注册会计师协会 ICPAS ,完成全部课程并积累5年相关工作经验,即可申请新加坡注册会计师资格,可在当地直接从业。
国际注册会计师 (ACCA) ACCA 执业资格是当今最知名最有影响力的国际性财务资格之一, ACCA 会员拥有很高的社会地位。学员完成全部课程并积累 3 年工作经验即可申请成为 ACCA 会员,并授予特许公认会计师的头衔,可其姓名之后冠以 ACCA 或 FCCA 。 ACCA 全部课程 14 门,其中两门选修课,共分三部分。一般每学期三门课,每年六月和十二月考试,全部课程可在两年半完成。
会计技师(CAT ) 会计技师CAT是 ACCA 协会所提供的深受雇主欢迎的课程之一,是具有初中级会计水准的国际证书。适用于年满 16 周岁以上的任何学员,培训学员在会计, IT 和管理方面的知识。完成会计员证书考试后,获得 CAT 资格的学员可在世界各地执业,从事会计,审计和税务助理等工作;也可继续报考 ACCA 直接读 ACCA 第二部分,第一部分三门豁免。考试分三个阶段,共九张考卷,每年6月和12月全球统考。
牛津布鲁克斯大学学位课程 凡通过 ACCA 前两部分考试的学员,在继续 ACCA 第三部分的同时,完成牛津布鲁克斯大学的学位论文,就能荣获牛津布鲁克斯应用会计荣誉学士学位。这不仅证明学员专业方面的能力,还增强学员的就业机会。