Established in 1999, Raffles Education Corp College (Raffles College) formerly known as Hartford Institute, part of Raffles Education Corporation is one of the leading Institutes in Singapore. As a Premier Education provider, we are committed to nurturing entrepreneurial and innovative talents. With focus on both undergraduate and postgraduate education, Raffles College aims to provide an unequalled education that will serve our students for a lifetime, and meet the needs of our wider community.
Raffles College resides in a heritage rich landmark (formerly known as Beach Road Police Station) with state-of-the-art technology and facilities, making the learning environment conducive for students. Students get to enjoy campus-wide wireless broadband access, a bigger library with IT facilities and a bigger campus that can house more than 5000 students.
Raffles College is awarded the prestigious Singapore Quality Class Award for Private Education Organisation (SQC PEO) by SPRING Singapore in recognition of excellent business processes and operational systems. In addition, Raffles College is also accredited by the Consumers Association of Singapore, and has attained Casetrust for Education status for establishing and maintaining a comprehensive student protection and welfare system.
Raffles College has Institutes in China, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam and Mongolia and has partnerships with several foreign Universities namely University of Wales and University of Leicester in the UK, Raffles College of Design and Commerce, Australian International Hotel School and the University of Newcastle in Australia.
Our Vision
As a Premier Education Provider we are committed to nurturing entrepreneurial and innovative talent in the field of business management, so as to support the economic development of the countries we operate in.
Our Mission
We prepare our students to be business leaders by providing an education distinguished by its practical relevance and passion for excellence. We focus both on undergraduate education that emphasizes a personalized learning environment and on selected masters, doctoral, and other graduate programs that provide students with specialized educational experiences. We aim to provide an unequaled education that will serve our students for a lifetime, and meet the needs of our wider community in all the countries we operate in.
Service Guarantee Statement
Raffles College is committed to constantly meet our customer’s needs by providing consistently high quality products and services through a customer-oriented quality management system, and by continual improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Raffles College is dedicated in supporting the development and professional growth of our students and staff by providing high quality training, seminars and workshops in a variety of creative ways and by enhancing students’ education experiences through creative brainstorming.
Raffles College is committed in life-long learning accessibility either through a virtual setting such as e-learning, or through the traditional classroom approach blended with the latest proven technologies and creative ideas.
All the education programs and services provided by Raffles have one goal: providing quality learning environment and services without compromising the integrity and the high standards set by our University partners and by operating with Professional practises.
新加坡哈福特商学院成立于1999年,其商务管理课程具有世界一流水平。哈福特隶属于世界知名的莱佛士教育集团。现今的莱佛士教育集团在很多国家和地区都有自己教育中心,比如香港、马来西亚、蒙古、越南和纽西兰,并与一些外国大学,Leicester大学(英国),Central Queensland大学及Newcastle大学 (澳大利亚)建立了合作伙伴关系。
- 获得新加坡“消协保证标志”的合格鉴定Casetrust。
- 获得新加坡政府标新局(SPRING)优质教育认证SQC。
- 课程设置、教育质量和资格证书获得国际认可。
- 课程教授着具备国际教育背景及行业从业经验
- 通过高密度的系统强化课程,在两年到三年内即可快速获得学士学位。
- 在多元文化的环境中和各国学生一起学习,学会国际沟通和融合。
- 海外参观与考察,提供学生广阔的就业前景。
- 相对于在澳大利亚本土学习,降低成本投入,同等地获取国际知名大学学士。
- 颁发的学位与合作大学本部学生所获学士学位一致。
- 哈福特各学院间宽广的校际平台和灵活的学分转移系统,帮助学生自由选择求学地点,并在既定时间内完成本科课程,吸取多元文化及人文元素。