[lang_en]Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology (MBIO)[/lang_en][lang_zh][/lang_zh]



Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology (MBIO)

Course Objectives Strong Emphasis On Molecular Bioscience

MBIO provides a foundation in modern biological science. This foundation is built on core topics in areas like chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, cell culture, genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics. In line with advancements in life sciences, our course has a strong emphasis on molecular biosciences.

Develop your area of interest, when you choose from a selection of electives, and two specialisation options in your second and third year of study. With the Bio-Entrepreneurship Option, you will address issues related to product development and marketing, as well as intellectual property management – areas gaining importance in a knowledge-driven economy. Alternatively, gain insights into the ground-breaking science of drug discovery and development, from the Biopharmaceutical Option.

The Most Established Life Science Programme

As the most established life science program in Singapore, MBIO gives you valuable experience from a large pool of existing industrial collaborations. Final-year students work on research projects, while undertaking their Industrial Attachment Programme (IAP) at the research and development laboratories of local universities, research institutes and life science companies. Through the school’s unique IAP-linked project scheme, students will be able to continue their research throughout their final year. Our MBIO diploma is highly regarded. Dr. Teo Hsiang Ling received the Philip Yeo Award (2007) in recognition of her research contributions. She completed her PhD in Structural Biology at Cambridge University and was a recipient of an A*STAR scholarship.
Course Content Year 1- Mathematics, Microbiology, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry, Physiology, Creativity & Applied Thinking Skills, Sports & Wellness, Organic Chemistry, Cell Biology, Information Technology for the Life Sciences, Biostatistics, Individual & the Community, Communication

Year 2- Applied Microbiology, Immunology, Agrotechnology & Plant Tissue Culture, Aquaculture, Biochemistry, Instrumentation & Analytical Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Innovation & Enterprise in Action

Year 3- Life Sciences Seminar Series, Genomics, Proteomics, Biotech Innovation & Business Ventures, Bioscience Sales & Marketing, Drug Discovery & Development, Biomanufacturing Practices, World Issues: A Singapore Perspective, Industrial Attachment Programme
Duration 3 Years
Course Fee $2000++ Per Year (After 80% Government Grant)
Admission Criteria GCE ‘O’ Level examinations or equivalent results as followed:
Pass in English and 2 other science or maths/Add maths subjects.
English as a second language (EL2) must be a minimum grade of 6.
Intakes April
