[lang_en]Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics)[/lang_en][lang_zh]信息技术学士[/lang_zh]



Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics)

University University of Newcastle, Australia
Course Overview

Hollywood has fanned the flames of man’s fantasy of creating a mechanical man by churning out movies such as “Robocop” and “Transformers”. Of course while the audience lapped it up, the prevailing thought was that it was pure make-believe. Today with the giant leaps man has made in the area of mechatronics, IT and other related fields, that fantasy is on the verge of being a reality. Creating a part-man-part-machine being isn’t so far-fetched anymore. Except you would have to do it before Hollywood thinks of something else.

In a nutshell, mechatronics is mechanical, electrical and electronic systems combined with information technology. It is the science of developing new solutions to industrial problems using mechanical and electronic processes as well as computers.

The University’s Accolades

• 4 star ratings in graduate starting salaries, toughness to get in, research grants achieved (The Good Universities Guide 2007);

• Top 10 Universities for research output and annual research income;

• All of the engineering degree courses offered are accredited by Engineers Australia (EA);

• Recognised by Washington Accord for entry to engineering practice;

• The Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment at The University of Newcastle is a member of The Group of Eight Deans of Engineering and Associates. It represent the ten most research intensive engineering faculties in Australia and is also recognition of the outstanding quality of their engineering research, teaching and scholarship.

Course Content Sensors and Actuators, Electrical Circuits, Computer Engineering, Electronics, Programmable Logic Design, Embedded Systems, Automatic Control, Introductory Mechanics, Engineering Project Management, Calculus of Science and Engineering, Dynamics, Engineering Mechanics, Mechatronics Design, Materials Science and Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Project Seminar.
Duration The course can be completed with a minimum period of 3 years.
Entry Requirements The minimum requirement is a diploma from the local polytechnic institutions with average B/C grades.

Candidates with the following diploma qualifications may also apply:

Diploma in Mechatronics Engineering; Diploma in Mechatronics.

Applicants with other relevant diploma qualifications may also apply, but will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by The University.
Intakes January, August every year
Course Fee Total course fee: S$35,631.00; Per module fee: S$1,979.50; Per FYP fee: S$5,938.50.
All fees are inclusive of 7% GST but exclude textbooks.





课程等级 本科
颁发机构 澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学
报名费 新币$183元(=人民币¥915元)
学习时间 共 36 个月
学年学费 36 个月 – 学费为新加坡币 $34240 元



* 学费可分期付款。录取后第一次交费金额约为:[第一年学费]+[英语预科学费]+[杂费]。





第一年:高中/中专/职高在读或毕业;平均成绩的75% (高2)/60% (高3)


杂费总计 资料费和考试费等杂费约为新币$500左右
