[lang_en]PSB Academy[/lang_en][lang_zh]新加坡PSB学院[/lang_zh]


PSB Academy stands tall as a premier education institute in Singapore with a vibrant, forward-looking approach to education. PSB believes in the virtues of discovery through learning and are confident that if you take this journey with them, you will find your experience enriching, satisfying and most of all, fun. The PSB Academy is one of the largest institutes of higher learning in Singapore with links to prestigious universities from the US , UK and Australia.

The Academy has a staff strength of over 300 lecturers, full-time and associates, who deliver inspiring lessons to more than 30,000 students annually. In addition, the academy plays host to a stream of eminent visiting professors and lecturers from various partner universities who visit for periods of one month to a year. This diverse pool of educators allows for a healthy exchange of teaching ideas and enhances the learning experience of students.

Graduates who have entered the workforce do not stop learning. They return to PSB Academy to attend corporate development programmes to upgrade themselves and to stay connected – in the spirit of discovering learning.

In other words, you can chart your entire education path up to degree, post graduate and corporate consulting level right here with PSB.

Academic excellence

The PSB brand name has long been recognized for its commitment to academic excellence. It focuses on:

  • setting sound internal systems such as having stringent selection criteria for lecturers
  • adhering to Cambridge International Examinations standards
  • developing a rigorous and relevant curriculum
  • having yearly assessments conducted by the Academic Board.

These initiatives have put PSB on the map of world-class education.

As a fully-accredited institute of higher learning, PSB has a commitment to you: to bring quality education to your doorstep so that you will shine in your chosen profession and in all other areas of your life.


  • Schools of Information Technology
  • Schools of Engineering
  • Schools of Life Sciences
  • Schools of Business




新加坡PSB学院成立于1970年代,前身为新加坡政府贸工部属下的标准、生产力与创新局(SPRING Singapore)所拥有,最初这个生产力培训学院的成立是为了带动新加坡的人力教育与培训工作,以及提供工商业对人力的需要。自成立以来,已接受PSB学院培训的学员已超过50多万人次。三十多年来的努力耕耘,PSB学院已是桃李满天下。它肩负着培养政界要员、专业人才及企业精英的责任,同时也在推动学术与促进经济发展方面做出了巨大的贡献。

新加坡PSB学院位于中峇鲁新校舍位于惹兰河水山(Jalan Bukit Ho Swee),面积大约27万平方英尺左右。这是一个拥有完整设施的校舍,有设备先进的实验室、篮球场等等,目的是给学生提供一个全方位的学习和活动环境。这家新加坡最大的私人培训机构之一,每年培训的学生人数(全职加兼职)总数超过3万人。并且规模庞大的PSB学院在海外有八家学院或学校-越南一家、印尼两家、中国五家。新加坡PSB学院也被誉为新加坡最大的一所高等院校之一。
